Course NameCourse Presenter(s)View
Love Factor in MarriageDaniel J. Vassell
Métodos EducativosEnrique De Jesús
Ministerial CareTim Maness
Missional ChurchDavid Ferguson
More than Enough: Allowing God to Bless our FinancesArt Rhodes
More: A Relentless Pursuit of Jesus ChristBill Isaacs
MOSAIC: How to Plant a Multicultural ChurchSean O'Neal
Pastoral IssuesDavid Ramírez, David Cooper
Pastoral Ministries in Changing TimesDavid Ramírez, Scott and Elizabeth Sheppard
Pastoral Ministry PerspectiveMichael Reynolds, R.C. Hugh Nelson
Pastoral Prenuptial CounselingJohn Lombard
Paths in MinistryDavid Ramírez, Jerry Madden
Pentecostal Identity of Latin America
Perspectivas Pastorales y Educación Teológica en el Siglo XXIDavid Ramírez, José Daniel Montañez
Ruta Hacia la Salud EmocionalIvelisse López Delgado
Serving the People of God's PresenceDavid Ramírez, Michael Reynolds, Terry Cross
Spiritual DisciplinesDonald Bennett
Spiritually and Emotionally HealthyMiriam Figueroa
Still Off-Base About RaceMichael Reynolds, Various
Técnicas de EnseñanzaJennie López
Teología en el MinisterioDaniel Álvarez
Terminar Bien el MinisterioDavid Ramírez, Victor Pagán
The Church as a TaxpayerDr. Art Rhodes
The Emotionally Intelligent PastorJeannie Clarkson
The EPIC MarriageDaniel J. Vassell
The Importance of LeadershipMichael Reynolds, Gary Lewis
The Love Factor: Truths Before You Say, I DoDaniel J. Vassell, Various
The Minister and FinancesDwain Pyeatt
The Minister and TaxesArt Rhodes
The People of God's PresenceDavid Ramírez, Michael Reynolds, Terry Cross
The Right Now WordWilliam Lee
The Role of the Holy Spirit in DiscipleshipWilliam Simmons
Theology in MinistryDaniel Alvarez
Tools for Godly ParentingErica Reynolds
Understanding Christian SexualityDaniel Tomberlin
Understanding Congregational CultureJoshua Rice
What is a Multicultural Church?Michael Reynolds, Carl Hinson