Course Name: How Do We Retain the Next Generation?

DOE1 Course Page:

Course Presenter(s):
Michael Knight
Course Summary:
This course discusses how to reduce attrition in the local church by ministering and retaining the next generation. Lessons cover seven main foundational elements of effective missiology within the NextGen: (1) Generation Z: Understanding this generation, (2) How Belief Happens in The Next Generation, (3) Adolescent Communal Life: The Power of Social Networks and Human Capital, (4) The Impact of a lethal faith: The importance of generational apologetics, (5)The Power of Knowing the Laws of Attrition, (6) The Power and Knowledge of Retention, and (7) Does Pentecostal families make a difference?
Production Crew:
Isaac Gongora, Santiago Ramirez
Video Editor(s):
Brett Deaton, Santiago Ramirez

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