Course Name: Be the Leader

DOE1 Course Page:

Course Presenter(s):
Bill Isaacs
Course Summary:
There is a lot spoken and written about leadership these days—both the absence and impact of it on today’s society and life in general. We use the term loosely at times and like other words such as "beauty"—we don't honestly know how to describe it, but we know it when we see it. Yet, there has perhaps never been a time when genuine leadership has been more needed. What if more leaders were available to change the moment and inspire others to achieve life change? What would the world be like if more people answered the call to leadership? Be The Leader is a call to action for you, the ministry or organization you lead. God’s kingdom work demands focused, able and obedient persons to step forward and answer the call to lead. You can make a difference…NOW!
Production Crew:
Brett Deaton, Talvin Short
Video Editor(s):
Talvin Short

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